NOW Agenda 2023

Below is the agenda for ETEC's 2023 Nuclear Opportunities Workshop. The times on the agenda may change depending on speaker availability.
Day 1 / Tuesday / August 1, 2023
NOW Conference Supporters & Exhibitors may set-up displays from 9am-11:30am on Monday, August 1 at Hilton Knoxville Airport. Conference organizers will send detailed information via e-mail. Feel free to reach out anytime with questions you may have to
Check-In will be in the lobby of the Hilton Knoxville Airport Event Center from Noon until 12:45pm on Monday, August 1st.
Bob Morris, Chair, ETEC Nuclear Working Group
Tracy Boatner, President, East Tennessee Economic Council (ETEC)
Michael Goff, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy
Introduction: Harry Boston, Founder and President, Boston Government Services (BGS)
Moderator: Andy Worrall, Section Head, Integrated Fuel Cycle Deputy Director, GAIN, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Georgette Alexander-Morrison, Vice President, Government Research & Development, X-energy
- Rita Baranwal, Senior Vice President, AP300 Small Modular Reactor, Westinghouse Electric Company
- Greg Boerschig, Vice President, Clinch River Project, Tennessee Valley Authority
- Lauren Lathem, Advanced Nuclear Manager, Southern Company
- Lou Martinez Sancho, Vice President, Strategy and Innovation, Kairos Power
- Dan Stout, Chief Nuclear Officer, Ultra Safe Nuclear
Jeff Lyash, Chief Executive Officer, Tennessee Valley Authority
Introduction: Jeff Smith, Interim Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Moderator: Caroline Anderson, Manager, Fusion Industry Association
- Livia Casali, Zinkle Fellow & Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- John Canick, Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer, Type One Energy Group
- Patrick Ellis, Program Manager, General Fusion
- Arnold Lumsdaine, Director, Innovation Network for Fusion Energy (INFUSE), Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Mickey Wade, Associate Lab Director Fusion & Fission Energy & Science, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The conference is adjourned and the Welcome Reception begins.
Admission into the NOW Conference Opening Reception is included with conference registration.
Drinks and heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served with a brief program at 6:00pm
Lieutenant Governor Randy McNally, State of Tennessee
William "Ike" White, Senior Advisor, Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy
Senator Ken Yager, State of Tennessee
Mayor Warren Gooch, City of Oak Ridge
Mayor Terry Frank, Anderson County
Day 2 / Wednesday / August 2, 2023
If you did not check-in or register on August 1, you can check-in or register on Day 2 from 7:00am-7:45am.
Enjoy a Hot breakfast buffet and networking before the conference begins!
Bob Morris, Chair, ETEC Nuclear Working Group
Keynote Speaker: U.S. Representative Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03), Chairman, House Appropriations Energy and Water Development Subcommittee
Introduction: Rich Tighe -Chief Executive Officer, Consolidated Nuclear Security
Jeff Smith, Interim Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Deniece Thomas, Commissioner, TN Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Moderator: Bill Tindal, President, Omega Technical Services
- J. Wesley Hines, Postelle Professor, Chancellor's Professor, and Head Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- J.E. (Eric) Nolan, President, Atomic Trades and Labor Council
- Ashley Stowe, Director, Oak Ridge Enhanced Technology & Training Center, Consolidated Nuclear Security
- Deniece Thomas, Commissioner, TN Department of Labor and Workforce Development
- Chris Whaley, President, Roane State Community College
- Michelle Goodson, Workforce Solutions Senior Manager, Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Moderator: Eric Abelquist,Technical, Engineering, and Nuclear Safety Manager, United Cleanup of Oak Ridge
Panelists: (listed alphabetically by last name)
- Sierra Generette, Environmental Justice & Public Engagement Specialist, United Cleanup Oak Ridge
- Martin O'Neill, Associate General Counsel, Nuclear Energy Institute
- Elizabeth Phillips, Physical Scientist, U.S. Department of Energy
- Sarah Schaefer, Project Director, Isotek Systems, LLC
Enjoy a delicious buffet lunch sponsored by the University of Tennessee Oak Ridge Innovation Institute (UT-ORII).
Keynote: Stuart McWhorter, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development
Introduction: Randy Boyd, President, University of Tennessee System
Moderator: Morris Hassler, Vice President, Joint Services/ Business Unit General Manager, IB3 Global Solutions
- Peter Newby, President, MS Technology
- Ben Jordan, Manager, Centrus Energy
- Kurt Terrani, Executive Vice President, Core Group, Ultra Safe Nuclear
- Brandon Blamer, Director, Process Engineering, Triso-X/X-Energy
- Andrew Nelson, Section Head, Nuclear Fuel Development, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Moderator: Martin Williamson, Senior Director of Global Security and Strategic Partnerships, Consolidated Nuclear Security
Panelists: (listed alphabetically by last name)
- Benton Arnett, Director, Markets and Policy, Nuclear Energy Institute
- Greg Boerschig, Vice President, Clinch River Project - Tennessee Valley Authority
- Cary Crawford, Director, Nuclear Nonproliferation Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Adam DeMella, Senior Vice President, Global Government Affairs, GE-Hitachi
- Howard Hall, Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
- Teresa Robbins, Manager, NNSA Production Office, DOE
Moderators: Julie Ezold, Technical Advisor, DOE Isotope Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Lloyd Jollay, Vice President Istopes & Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Boston Government Services
- Jeremy Busby, Associate Lab Director, Isotope Science & Engineering, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Scott Claunch, President, Isotopes Program, TerraPower
- Catherine Kolb, Senior Director of Plant Operations, SHINE Technologies
- John Krueger, Radioisotope Production Lead, Ultra Safe Nuclear
Bob Morris, ETEC Nuclear Working Group